Day: October 28, 2021

What is Nihilism?

Nihilism rejects the idea of universal truths, values, and communications. Our pretenses to those, it says, are merely one interpretation competing with others, which by the esoteric principle of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, select their own audiences. But the core of nihilism seems to be relativity of perception as expressed in a suspension of belief in […]

What the Heck is Wrong with “Equality,” Anyway?

The notion of equality seduces and renders simplistic the human mind while justifying the promotion of mediocrity and lies: Equality is corrupt. To understand this, we have to separate actions from consequences. Humans judge their actions by optics in a social context. We like to do things that make other people think that we are […]

What is Ecocide?

Consider that we will be reduced to living in high-rises and eating seaweed if even a tenth of the ecosystems on Earth fail, and even more, how much we will hate ourselves for having destroyed something beautiful. Ecocide occurs when we have too many humans and not enough land set aside for nature: Human thinking […]

What is Genocide?

It turns out that we can re-envision genocide to include extermination of a majority by diversity if we pay attention to the definition of genocide: Our society accepts that genocide is the greatest evil ever, if that genocide happens because armed men shove people into camps. What it will not accept is that genocide can […]

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